Call for Abstract

4th International Conference on Nursing, Midwifery and
Womens Health, will be organized around the theme “Leading the Way: Delivering Primary and Newborn Care”

Nursing Midwifery 2020 is comprised of 16 tracks and 59 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Nursing Midwifery 2020.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Advanced practice nurse defines a level of nursing practice that utilizes extended and expanded skills, experience & knowledge in assessment, planning, implementation. diagnosis and evaluation of the care required. Each nurse specialty can have concentrations during a specific field or patient population.

All Apns are now trained at the graduate level and are required to achieve a minimum of a academic degree , Generally A Master Of Science In Nursing In Their Field Of Concentration. Essential consideration incorporates wellbeing advancement, sickness anticipation, wellbeing support, guiding, understanding instruction, conclusion and treatment of intense and interminable disease in an assortment of medicinal services primary care is performed and oversaw by an individual doctor frequently teaming up with other wellbeing experts.


  • Track 1-1All the experiences skills knowledge n etc which is needed as care requirement
  • Track 1-2For handling a patient each nurse speciality is to have a full concentration respectively
  • Track 1-3Nature of services provided to patients
  • Track 1-4Types of physicians plays a role to provide primary care

Psychiatry is the therapeutic claim to fame dedicated to the analysis, anticipation, and treatment of mental disorders. These incorporate different maladaptations identified with state of mind, conduct, cognizance, and recognitions. Mental health nursing which refers to Psychological wellness attendants are answerable for arranging and offering help and medicinal and nursing care to individuals who have a scope of emotional well­­-being

Psychological wellness attendants are answerable for arranging and offering help and medicinal and nursing care to individuals who have a scope of emotional well­­-being

From tension and gloom to character and dietary problems or indepences on medications or liquor.

  • Track 2-1Mental disorder
  • Track 2-2Treatment of mental drug
  • Track 2-3Mental short comings
  • Track 2-4Complex mental and physical health concern
  • Track 2-5Illness diagnosis

Nursing Care And Public health

 Nursing care  which is given and directed by an enlisted qualified medical attendant. In fact it goes past the steady home consideration gave by generally domiciliary and residential caregivers. It includes clinical consideration that can permit individuals with complex conditions and care should be securely bolstered.

Some desires to proceed with their leftover treatment at home in the midst  of relatives others are simply excessively sick or have some handicap that keeps them for looking for clinical consideration at emergency clinics. Public health defined as the science of protecting the security and improving the health of communities through education, politics and research for disease and injury prevention. The definition of public health is different for each person; medical care is care that's provided and supervised by a registered qualified nurse. Technically it goes beyond the supportive home care provided by most domiciliary and residential caregivers. It involves clinical care which will allow people with complex conditions and care must be safely supported.

  • Track 3-1It includes clinical care
  • Track 3-2Nursing care for handicap or for sick ones
  • Track 3-3Public with different health issue
  • Track 3-4Technically and supportively caregivers


 Pediatrics is the part of medication that includes the medicinal consideration of new-born children, youngsters, and teenagers. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests individuals be under pediatric consideration up to the age of 21. A medicinal specialist who has practical experience around there is known as a  pediatrician. Neonatal nursing is a subspecialty of nursing that works with babies brought into the world with an assortment of issues running from rashness, birth absconds, contamination, cardiovascular contortions, and careful issues.

  • It works  in emergency clinics
  • Especially it works in both emergency clinic and subspecialties
  • neonatology and outpatient


  • Track 4-1It works in emergency clinics
  • Track 4-2Especially it works in both emergency clinic and subspecialties
  • Track 4-3neonatology and outpatient


Midwifery which also means to birthing assistant. A birthing assistant is a wellbeing proficient who thinks about moms and infants around labor, a specialization known as maternity care.

The instruction and preparing for a maternity specialist is like that of a medical caretaker, rather than obstetricians and primatologists who are doctors (specialists). In numerous nations, maternity care is either a part of nursing or has a few connects to nursing. Women’s and men share numerous comparable medical issues, yet ladies have their own medical problems, which merit uncommon thought.

  • Women are bound to bite the dust following a coronary failure than men
  • Women are bound to give indications of sadness and tension
  • Health issues of womens which is significant like stress, suffering with diabities, blood pressure
  • Midwifery is lot more than just delivering babies   


  • Track 5-1Women are bound to bite the dust following a coronary failure than men
  • Track 5-2Women are bound to give indications of sadness and tension
  • Track 5-3Health issues of womens which is significant like stress, suffering with diabetes, blood pressure

Nursing Leadership And Innovation

Nursing leadership has been characterized as impacting others to improve the nature of care alongside the immediate cooperation in clinical consideration. Administration in nursing includes a domain that has a reasonable vision, and where staff are roused and enabled. To advance is to incorporated new thoughts or existing thoughts into training in new manners. Each medical caretaker is a specialist of progress and a trend-setter. Consistently, medical caretakers cooperate to tackle troublesome difficulties in the working environment and for their patients.

Medical attendants are propelled to occupied with inventive practice primarily on the grounds that they look to improve quiet encounters wellbeing result and nursing practice.

  • Patient care
  • Confident is imperative  nursing skill
  • A global perspective
  • kindness


  • Track 6-1patient care
  • Track 6-2confident is imperative nursing skill
  • Track 6-3A global perspective
  • Track 6-4kindness


The Future of Nursing investigates how medical caretakers' jobs, obligations, and training should change essentially to fulfill the expanded need for care that will be made by social insurance change and to propel upgrades in America's undeniably perplexing wellbeing framework.

  • It shows how nurse’s roles
  • Demand for care


  • Track 7-1It shows how nurse’s roles
  • Track 7-2Demand for care

Critical Care And Emergency Nursing:

Escalated care prescription, or basic consideration medication, is a restorative claim to fame worried about the finding and the board of basically sick patients who have, are in danger of having, or are recouping from conditions that could bring about perilous organ disappointment. Basic consideration: The particular consideration of patients whose conditions are dangerous and who require complete consideration and steady checking, as a rule in serious consideration units. Emergency nursing is strength inside the field of expert nursing concentrating on the consideration of patients who require brief restorative regard for dodge long haul incapacity or demise. The most common conditions treated in emergency nursing such as abdominal pain, upper respiratory infections, strains & sprains, superficial injury ( an injury which does not effects on muscles and organs )

  • Track 8-1The critical condition of patient
  • Track 8-2Serious health issues
  • Track 8-3Plan long term care needs

Nursing Informative And Digital Health

Nursing informatics is a field of nursing that fuses nursing, PC, and data sciences to keep up and create restorative information and frameworks to help the act of nursing, and to improve persistent consideration results. Digital health is a multi-disciplinary area including numerous partners, including clinicians, analysts and researchers with a wide scope of aptitude in human services, designing, sociologies, general wellbeing, wellbeing financial matters and information management. The control includes the utilization of data and correspondence advances to help address the medical issues and difficulties looked by individuals under treatment. These advances incorporate both equipment and programming arrangements and administrations, including telemedicine, electronic investigation, email, cell phones and applications, instant messages, wearable gadgets, and centre or remote checking sensors.

  • Improve the utilization
  • Brilliant gadget


  • Track 9-1Improve the utilization
  • Track 9-2Brilliant gadget

Obstetrics & Gynaecology Nursing:

Obstetrics and gynaecology medical caretakers are otherwise called OB attendants, OB GYNs, and perinatal medical attendants. These experts work with ladies during pregnancy, work, and labour, and give baby blues care. ... Functioning as an OB GYN gives chances to profession development and expressly enhancing encounters.

  • Pregnancy
  • Postpartum period
  • Female Reproductive system
  • Childbirth
  • Cancer drugs



  • Track 10-1Pregnancy
  • Track 10-2Postpartum period
  • Track 10-3Female Reproductive system
  • Track 10-4Childbirth
  • Track 10-5Cancer drugs

Patient Safety And Hospital Management:

The least complex meaning of patient safety is the avoidance of mistakes and antagonistic impacts to patients related with social insurance. While social insurance has become increasingly viable it has additionally gotten progressively mind boggling, with more noteworthy utilization of new advancements, prescriptions and medicines. To guarantee fruitful usage of patient wellbeing techniques; clear arrangements, administration limit, information to drive security enhancements, gifted medicinal services experts and viable contribution of patients in their consideration, are completely required. Clinic Management is a term wide in scope and might be characterized from various viewpoints. It basically identifies with the board of all parts of an emergency clinic; a coordination of all components of a medical clinic. This may go from tolerant consideration to record keeping to stock of drugs and neatness. Wellbeing organization, medicinal services organization, social insurance the board or clinic the executives is the field identifying with initiative, the executives, and organization of general wellbeing frameworks, human services frameworks, hospitals and emergency clinic arranges in all the essential, optional, and tertiary divisions..

  • Clinics
  • Emergency management
  • Critical units
  • Medical clinic CEO
  • Administration  line administrator


  • Track 11-1Clinics
  • Track 11-2Emergency management
  • Track 11-3Critical units
  • Track 11-4Medical clinic CEO
  • Track 11-5Administration line administrator

Pregnancy And Child Birth:

Pregnancy is the term used to depict the period in which a baby creates inside a lady's belly or uterus. Pregnancy for the most part endures around 40 weeks, or a little more than 9 months, as estimated from the last menstrual period to conveyance. Medicinal services suppliers allude to three sections of pregnancy, called trimesters. Ladies who get an early pregnancy finding and pre-birth care are bound to encounter a solid pregnancy and bring forth a sound child. Child birth is also known as labour and delivery…..Labour, otherwise called work and conveyance, is the consummation of pregnancy where at least one infant leaves the uterus by going through the vagina or by Caesareans section. In 2015, there were around 135 million births all inclusive. Around 15 million were conceived before 37 weeks of gestation, while somewhere in the range of 3 and 12 percent were brought into the world following 42 weeks. In the created world most conveyances happen in medical clinics, while in the creating scene most births occur at home with the help of a customary birth specialist.

  • Periods of pregnancy
  • Treatments given during pregnancy


  • Track 12-1Periods of pregnancy
  • Track 12-2Treatments given during pregnancy

Prenatal Nutrition And Labour Support :

Pre-birth nourishment tends to supplement proposals previously and during pregnancy. Nourishment and weight the executives previously and during pregnancy profoundly affects the improvement of new born children. This is a somewhat crucial time for solid advancement since new born children depend intensely on maternal stores and supplement for ideal development and wellbeing result sometime down the road. A typical saying that a lady "is eating for two" while pregnant suggests that a mother ought to expend twice as much during pregnancy, however is misdirecting. Then again, deficient utilization will bring about lower birth weight. Labour support which refers to a help individual can offer passionate help and useful assistance during labour work. Ladies who have a help individual during their work and birth frequently:

  • Adapt better to work torment.
  • Need less clinical mediation.
  • Have a shorter work.
  • Consider work to be birth as a positive encounter.
  • Consumption should be twice
  • Critical time for healthy development during pregnancy
  • It has strong influence on birth weight


  • Track 13-1Adapt better to work torment
  • Track 13-2Need less clinical mediation.
  • Track 13-3Have a shorter work.
  • Track 13-4Consider work to be birth as a positive encounter.
  • Track 13-5Consumption should be twice
  • Track 13-6Critical time for healthy development during pregnancy.
  • Track 13-7It has strong influence on birth weight

Maternal Health And Postnatal Care

Maternal care is the strength of ladies during pregnancy and labour. It envelops the human services measurements of family arranging, assumption, pre-birth, and postnatal consideration so as to guarantee a positive and satisfying experience, by and large, and lessen maternal dismalness and mortality, in different cases. The impact of a mother's passing outcomes in helpless families, and their new-born children, in the event that they endure labour, are bound to pass on before arriving at their subsequent birthday. Both maternal mortality (demise) and serious maternal grimness (ailment) are "related with a high pace of preventability. Postnatal care (PNC) is the consideration given to the mother and her infant following the birth and for the initial a month and a half of life information

  • Track 14-1Good in state of during pregnancy
  • Track 14-2Positive and satisfying experience
  • Track 14-3Maternal mortality and serious maternal grimness
  • Track 14-4Publications
  • Track 14-5Quality of care
  • Track 14-6Epidemiology, observing and assessment


Midwifery which also means to birthing assistant. A birthing assistant is a wellbeing proficient who thinks about moms and infants around labour, a specialization known as maternity care. The instruction and preparing for a maternity specialist is like that of a medical caretaker, rather than obstetricians and primatologists who are doctors (specialists). In numerous nations, maternity care is either a part of nursing or has a few connects to nursing. Self-care is any action that we do intentionally so as to deal with our psychological, passionate, and physical wellbeing. In spite of the fact that it's a basic idea in principle, it's something we frequently ignore. Great self-care is vital to improved temperament and diminished tension. Know your value: Self-care is critical to keep up a sound association with yourself as it produces positive emotions and lifts your certainty and confidence. Likewise, self-care is important to remind yourself as well as other people that you and your needs are significant as well fundamental for building flexibility toward those stressors in life that you can't take out. At the point when you've found a way to think about your psyche and body, you'll be better prepared to carry on with your best life.

  • Taking time for yourself
  • It activates undertaken with the intention of enhancing energy restoring health and reducing stress
  • Increased resilience



  • Track 15-1Time for yourself
  • Track 15-2Energy restoring health
  • Track 15-3Reducing stress
  • Track 15-4increased resilience


Nursing instruction centres on teaching medicinal services individuals about powerful approaches to convey the human services to patients. It instructs nurture about how to direct various drugs, to look at persistent and to convey best administrations to patients. The point of nursing instruction is an advancement of the nursing calling. The Journal improves the instructing learning process, advances educational program improvement, and invigorates imaginative. Development and research in nursing training. The point of nursing instruction is an improvement of the nursing calling. One approach to elevate advancement is to explain the expert job. Medical caretaker instruction comprises of the hypothetical and functional preparing furnished to attendants with the reason to set them up for their obligations as nursing care experts. This training is given to nursing understudies by experienced attendants and other restorative experts who have qualified or experienced for instructive undertakings.

Medical attendants build up an arrangement of care, working cooperatively with doctors, specialists, the patient, the patient's family, and other colleagues that centres around getting sickness improve personal satisfaction.

  • Instructing

  • Tutorials

  • Advance educational program improvement Caretaker instructions

  • Working with doctors, specialists the patient and the patient’s family

  • Treatment

  • guidelines